sábado, 28 de julho de 2007

Nazis vivos

Confesso que tenho uma predilecção especial pela história nazi, sobretudo da fase final, em parte motivada pelo excelente filme alemão "A Queda" que relata os últimos dias de Hitler.

Fiquei chocado, ao saber que existe ainda um número significativo de nazis vivos e desaparecidos.

Parece que os seus perseguidores desistiram de os tentar capturar.

Aqui fica a lista com a nota de que um deles Alois Brunner, responsável pela morte de 130.000 judeus, numa entrevista dada há poucos anos atrás, no seu refúgio da Síria, dizia-se orgulhoso de ter morto tantos judeus e que só tinha pena de não ter morto mais

Aqui fica a lista dos nazis ainda (supostamente) vivos:

Known to be alive
Paul Schäfer, (born 1921) founder of the Colonia Dignidad cult in Chile after the war, charged of child-abuse and of the 1976 disappearance of Juan Maino and possible involvement in Boris Weisfeiler's disappearance.
Herta Bothe, (born 1921) Aufseherin who served at both Stutthof and Bergen Belsen during the war.
Luise Danz, (born 1917) Aufseherin at various camps, including Plaszów, Majdanek, Auschwitz-Birkenau, and Malchow. Was brought to trial in 1996 but was dismissed due to her age.
Erich Priebke, (born 1913) Hauptsturmführer of the SS, he participated in the Ardeatine massacre in Rome, on March 24, 1944, where he had a hand in the deaths of 335 Italian civilians.
Søren Kam, (born 1921) Member of the DNSAP, the Danish Nazi Party, who fled from Denmark to Germany after the war, and is now a German citizen. On September 21, 2006, Kam was detained in the German town of Kempten im Allgäu. He is wanted in Denmark for the assassination of Danish newspaper editor Carl Henrik Clemmensen in Copenhagen in August 1943.
Karl Frenzel, (born 1911) Oberscharführer who served at Sobibór extermination camp. Frenzel aided in the implementation of the Final Solution, taking part in the industrial-scale extermination of thousands of inmates as part of Operation Reinhard. Sentenced to life imprisonment in 1966 but released in 1982 due to ill health.

[edit] Believed to be alive
These people have not been confirmed to be alive, but believed by some to be.
Martin Hellinger - born 1904 [2] and [3]
Hermann Hackmann - born 1913
Ronald von Brysonstofen -born 1917 believed by some, to be in the USA shorten name to Bryson.
Alois Brunner - born 1912, Believed by some to live in Brazil or Syria under alias Dr. Georg Fischer. Responsible for the deaths of 140,000 Jews, head of Drancy internment camp near Paris. Worked for the Gehlen Org after the war and then fled to Syria.
Lorenz Hackenholt. NCO in charge of gassing at KZ Belzec ([4][5] and [6]).
Aribert Heim a.k.a. 'Dr. Death' - born 1913, Believed to have lived in Spain until October 2005, at which time he possibly relocated to Denmark. As of May 2006, he was believed to be in Chile.

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