quinta-feira, 2 de abril de 2009

Caos económico antecede o caos social ?

Desde há uns anos que, sem querer, nem saber bem como, estou inscrito na mailing list do Partido Republicano norte-americano.

Nesse âmbito, recebo e-mails diários, na sua maioria a pedir donativos ou a fazer promoções comerciais; sim porque nos EUA partido político ou fazer política implica sempre angariação de fundos.

Hoje recebi um e-mail onde se refere o perigo iminente de caos social, com escassez de bens essenciais, incluindo alimentos, combustíveis, electricidade e água; impedimento de acesso às contas bancárias ou aos multibancos; aumento da criminalidade e diminuição do policiamento, etc.etc.

Enfim, um chorrilho de coisas que tem como objectivo criar medo nas pessoas ao ponto de quererem comprar um livro de sobrevivência denominado SOCIAL CHAOS- SURVIVAL GUIDE .

A ideia é criar medo e pânico para ganhar dinheiro.

Apesar do assunto poder ser (espero) disparatado, aqui deixo um excerto do e-mail com 24 tópicos que deveremos levar em conta, caso esse cenário apocalíptico se venha a suceder:

Protecting your assets against the probability of social chaos.

24 essential steps you should take IMMEDIATELY to properly hedge your bets for a worst-case scenario.

TO FLEE OR NOT TO FLEE — The pros and cons of hunkering down or evacuating an area that is under biological terror attack.

The do's and don'ts of safety deposit boxes -- you get this one wrong at your own peril!

Easy-to-Procure medical supplies you must stock up on TODAY, while you still can. Here's what to order and how to get these life-saving supplies NOW.

REVEALED: The myth of benevolent government looking out for you in an emergency.

Inside tips on how emergency planners compile lists of "trouble-makers" to be scheduled for detention in the event civil liberties are ever suspended.

Herbal medicines that should be in your medicine cabinet at ALL times.

The best types of food to store — how long they'll last and where to store them.

Crucial tips for plotting your all — important Emergency Escape Route.

Finding edible nutritious food where you least expect it — in the city OR the country.

How to make provisions for your family to receive top-notch medical care, even in a state of national emergency.

The 15 biggest and most dangerous mistakes that "survivalists" make.

10 facts about emergency property confiscation directives that you MUST know.

Secret government plans to issue "scrip" that will make your "cash-stash" worthless overnight. Know the warning signs to avoid getting ripped off by Uncle Sam.

Four telephone numbers and web sites that can provide you with irrefutable facts concerning the solvency of your personal and business bank.

And much, much more on how to become a self-reliant citizen — everything you need to know!

NOW is the moment to implement the cost-effective and doable program as laid out by The Social Chaos Survival Guide: Smart, Savvy Precautions To Make You Self-Reliant in These Dangerous Times.

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